70cm Club Net. & TIER 2 Rules from Today.

Wed 2nd Dec 2020


 indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place (a support bubble is where a single adult living alone, or a single parent with children under 18, can form an exclusive network with one other household where social distancing does not have to be observed),  2 households that form a support bubble count as one household for the purposes of this guidance.

People are also not permitted to socialise in a group of more than six people outside, including in a garden or a public space.

Bars and Pubs that don't serve substantial meals will have to close.

Pub-goers living in a Tier 2  zone can't just pop into their local for a pint.

From Wednesday, December 2, pubs and bars can only serve alcohol with substantial meals. whether indoors or outside

Plus, in Tier 2

  • Pubs and bars operating as restaurants must provide table service only, indoors or outdoors
  • They must remain closed between 11pm and 5am
  • However hospitality venues in airports, ports, transport services and motorway service areas are exempt from this closure rule
  • Tier 2 pubs and bars must stop taking orders after 10pm
  • Hospitality businesses and venues selling food and drink for consumption off the premises can continue to do so after 10pm
  • But, this must be organised through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-through

The government says that all businesses and venues which reopen are expected to follow Covid-19 secure guidelines to protect customers, visitors and workers.

Across all tiers, everyone must wear a face covering in most indoor public settings, unless they have an exemption.

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