Sat 6th Jun 2020

Exercise Blue Ham 20-2

Exercise Blue Ham 20-2

Sat 6th Jun 2020 Sun 7th Jun 2020

2nd in this years series of Blue Ham events.

EXERCISE BLUE HAM 20-2 Will be proceeding over this weekend with the ACF stations being run mainly by staff and Cadets complying with social distancing restrictions. All operations are carried out on the 5MHz (60m) allocation.

It is hoped to run a station from BHRS as usual, but with reduced attendance and being mindful of the requirement for separation between operators and visitors etc.

Please go to  "Operating" and then "Exercise Blue Ham 20-2" for more information 


Exercise Blue Ham 20-2

Exercise Blue Ham 20-2

Sat 6th Jun 2020 Sun 7th Jun 2020

2nd in this years series of Blue Ham events.

EXERCISE BLUE HAM 20-2 Will be proceeding over this weekend with the ACF stations being run mainly by staff and Cadets complying with social distancing restrictions. All operations are carried out on the 5MHz (60m) allocation.

It is hoped to run a station from BHRS as usual, but with reduced attendance and being mindful of the requirement for separation between operators and visitors etc.

Please go to  "Operating" and then "Exercise Blue Ham 20-2" for more information 


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