Last Wednesday’s meeting involved a successful communication between myself on Crystal Palace Hill in South London, Dave G0FDV from Heathfield, and members operating under G1KAR/P at BHRS including Barry G8DXU and Tony G4UPY. Having erected a dipole for 40m I constructed at home this previous week, we attempted contact at the arranged time of 1500 on 7.143MHz, myself managing a 57 report from BHRS using my FT-897D and MFJ tuner, running from my car’s battery.
The nearby Arquiva TV tower does cause some interference, though it doesn’t completely disrupt affairs. We found the band to be particularly busy, so moved down the band to 7.080MHz, where Dave G0FDV joined us.
Below are a few photos of my setup at Crystal Palace (apologies for photo quality):