Latest Training News:-
Practical assessments are no longer required for the Foundation or Intermediate examinations.
At our AGM in March 2022 Tim M0THM volunteered to be our new training secretary. Tim is happy to help with any aspect of training and can be contacted on the email given above.
SARS training sessions are essentially free of charge to members who pay a substantially reduced subscription to the society during the first year and whilst undertaking training for the Foundation syllabus. Please use the contact form and or On-Line membership application form as appropriate. Once accepted, members will be put in touch with one of our registered assessors to agree an appropriate training program.
Foundation licence

The Foundation licence offers a wide scope of usage throughout many bands and operating modes and is very popular to all, as the content is simple to learn.
The Foundation and Intermediate and Advanced licence examinations have been reviewed by the RSGB and Ofcom. The syllabus of these examinations changed in September 2019. Accordingly our training package has been restructured to account for these changes and we are now training under the new syllabus from January 2020.
We often start training with the practical element, which introduces students to radio equipment and its correct use. This is generally carried out at our Beachy Head Radio Site and takes around four hours.
The sections covering basic theory and licence regulations etc are then covered in one or two sessions, perhaps with some on-line questions and answers. This should only require 8-16h hours study, depending upon the students level of knowledge of basic electrical and electronic theory.
Our charge for FOUNDATION training is £40.00 which includes the exam fee.
Intermediate licence

The Intermediate licence involves more electronics and propagation knowledge, as well as the ability to construct simple circuits using a soldering iron. There is more emphasis on theory and some calculations using basic mathematics and formula. This is still at an achievable level for most students.
Our charge for the INTERMEDIATE training is £45.00 which includes the exam fee.
Full licence

The Full (advanced) licence builds upon the knowledge gained in the previous modules in greater detail and the end result is a full amateur radio operating licence.
Students wishing to sit the ADVANCED exam will be charged £50.00 which covers the exam fee and associated costs.
The following photographs show one of the Intermediate training sessions held by Barry G8DXU at our Beachy Head site.

These test boards for learning basic electrical circuit theory are available as a complete kit from G8DXU to SARS members.
The test board is the basic building block for constructing simple circuits. Students learn to make Voltage and Current measurements using Ohms Law to prove their readings. This Kit is an improvement on the basic item described in the Intermediate Manual. It contains all of the components necessary, including the Baseboard, PCB lands for soldering, Switch, Resistors, MES Lampholder & Bulb. The Diode, LED & Transistor, together with wire and solder are also provided.