A BIG thanks goes out from all SARS members to John Vaughan G3DQY for operating on last Saturday’s RSGB AFS contest under the club call sign G3WQK.
John braved the snow and was there alone, however he did manager to work 40 stations, giving us a score of around 400. The Hailsham Shack opening times are on the clubs website calendar and our shack is situated in the basement area of the sports center, just past the two fitness studios. If you have trouble finding us, ask at reception.
The planned participation in the 70 cm AFS contest did not happen due to site access problems. The next opportunity to have a go at a VHF and UHF contest over the weekend of 2 / 3 March, assuming that we can get all the equipment on site! To get things ready there will be some work on site during the week 18th to 22 Feb. What we can do depends on the weather, but there is work that can be completed under cover. If you are interested in having a go at the contest leave a message in the Forum section.