The picture shows a 24 Volt version of the Larkspur, Station Radio C12 . Manufactured by PYE, the C12 was introduced in1955 as a replacement for the WS19 (featured last month). This was an interim measure due to delayed production of the true Larkspur series sets, such as the C13, C11 Transmitter and R210 Receiver combination.
The C12 covers 1.6-10MHz in two ranges with independent tuning to speed up frequency changes. The Tuning unit has two relay switched roller coasters (wound with solid silver wire) enabling band switching without the need to retune. The C12 uses the STC 5B254M (miniature 807) in the PA and high level Anode and Screen modulation with a pair of the same valves. The modulation quality is excellent, although the receiver performance is no better than that of the WS19 with IF image rejection being poor on the higher frequencies.
This photograph above shows the 12 Volt power unit as distinct from the 24V version with the yellow cover, which when opened operates the cooling fan. The 24V unit dissipates power by using a resistor pack, hence the requirement for the fan!