Barry Pollard-Wilkins

Collector of everything in the Clansman series of military radio equipment. PRC349, PRC350, PRC351/2, VRC320,VRC321,VRC322,VRC353. etc. Operating these and other vintage radios using AM, FM & SSB. Repairs to these transceivers using official field test sets & professionally equipped workshop. Regular operation on 51.70 MHz FM from SARS Beachy head radio site. Displaying and demonstrating Clansman radios in 1985 Defender 110 FFR Tithonus Land Rover at Military and Historic vehicle shows. I have been a professional radio and telecommunications engineer for over forty years. I am currently the managing director of SeaCall Limited, dealing in ICOM Marine, Business & Amateur Radio equipment.. I have a passion for all hard science and a special interest in metrology. My current position within SARS is committee member and manager of the societies Beachy Head Radio Site. I am also the SARS examination secretary and RSGB registered assessor to Advanced licence level.

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  1. Beachy Head Radio Site – Facilities — 1 comment

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Beachy Head Radio Site (BHRS) Temporary Closure

Members will have already seen an email to advise that the site is TEMPORARILY closed. This action is so that necessary maintenance and safety work can be carried out. We have already repaired the generator and also need to enact some work, such as PAT Testing on all mains powered equipment. Your committee have already …

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Christmas Cumulative Contests

These short duration VHF contests are running as usual this year. Starting with 50 MHz then 70 MHz, 144 MHz and finally 432 MHz on successive days. Boxing Day sees the first event on 6m with all starting at 1400 and finishing at 1600. Whilst all modes are permitted, most activity is on the SSB …

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1.8 MHz Club Calls AFS (Phone) Contest 11.11.23

Members are reminded that the above event takes place tomorrow evening from 2000-2300 UTC. Individual members of SARS can and indeed, are encouraged to participate in these AFS events, mobile, portable or from their home QTH. Membership of the RSGB is not a requirement. SSB entries should use frequencies between 1892-1990 kHz. Exchange is Serial, …

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AMBERLEY MUSEUM Classic Land Rover Day

Three members will be exhibiting their vehicles at this event on the 8th of October. Ranging from early series One examples to Defender 110. There will be many exhibits that trace the history of these iconic vehicles. For those not necessarily interested in vehicles, the Amberley Museum has a very good display of classic radios …

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70 MHz AFS Contest, Sunday 17th

The first in the AFS series of contests starts this Sunday 17th September. Running between 0900-1200 UTC members will be participating from our Beachy Head site. Our callsign will be G1KAR/P using the LFA beam and IC-7300

Festival Of Transport 26-28th August

Just in case members have missed entries on our calendar and Forum, the FOT takes place this coming Bank Holiday weekend from Saturday to Monday inclusive. Whilst no longer an official SARS event, there will be five members present at the Land Rover and Military displays. Some of us will be running Special Event station …

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Low Power Contests & Other activities.

As in previous years it is intended to participate in the 144 MHz (2m) VHF Low Power Contest from our Beachy Head radio site on Saturday 5th of August. Maximum output power is 25W. The contest starts at 1400 until 1800 UTC. This is followed by the 432 Mhz (70cm) event on Sunday, starting at …

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70 Mhz Trophy Contest 15th July

This contest runs from 1400-2000 UTC and the usual SARS volunteers will be at our Beachy Head site to field an entry. We have a new Rotator which should be well capable of swinging our recently acquired LFA beam. This is quite a large array and should make a positive impact on received and transmitted …

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Society Meeting Friday 7th

There will be a regular meeting at Old Town Community Hall this Friday from 2000 local time.

The Broyle Country Show

SARS members Barry G8DXU and Andy 2E0GNE will be exhibiting some of their portable Clansman equipment on Saturday and Sunday at this show. They will also be displaying vehicular radios in a Land Rover Defender 110 Tithonus. In order to mark Armed Forces Day we will also be on air using callsign GB1AF. We will …

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