Whilst the last few months may have been unusually mild the track to our Beachy Head site has become impassable to normal road vehicles. Fortunately the society has a number of 4*4 enthusiasts who have jumped at the opportunity to use their vehicles in mud and axel deep water. Despite the conditions we have normally opened BHRS twice a week throughout the winter. Members have been collected at the road gate and ferried to the site in either a Land Rover or other off-road capable 4*4 vehicle.
Jon M0JAO negotiating the track on one of the wetter days in his 1949 Series One Land Rover
The unusually wet conditions this season have not been entirely without their benefits. During one period of heavy rain there was some ground movement a short distance from the BHRS compound. This has exposed some concrete and earthworks which after considerable, research and enquiries has proved to be a WWII bunker installation.
After seeking permissions from the appropriate authorities SARS committee members have started excavations of the find. Whilst the lower level is currently flooded there is plenty of space for an underground radio room in the upper section. Since opened, this is quickly drying out and should make an excellent addition to the societies facilities at Beachy Head.
Whilst SARS is already very busy with maintenance and improvements to the excellent Beachy Head Radio Site. This latest project should help SARS cement ther Societies commitment to providing radio facilities that are unmatched in the South East of England. BHRS sub committee members are already negotiating purchase of the bunker from the landowner and have recently secured grant funding.
The old WWII bunker close to the BHRS compound.
Plans obtained from the MOD show that there may be a long tunnel connecting to the old underground radar installation opposite the Beachy Head hotel. We have located a possible entrance hatchway but currently its hinges are badly rusted. This should easily open after the application of lubrication & mechanical persuasion.
We are very eager to explore the underground workings and currently undertaking a survey of the surroundings and possible tunnels using ground penetrating radar.
SARS wishes to thank the landowner and farmer for their help and co-operation during the period of our research and investigations.