The secret is finally out! As well as WWII and Cold War spy radio equipment, Harvey’s of Lewes were also at West Dean with Free Samples of their finest Ales. The cool Ale was definitely up to the usual high standard, being very well received by visitors and exhibitors alike.
All of this with a Special Event Station, some rare WWII & WWI radio equipment Historic Buildings dating back to the 14th century and beyond. Plus Local Crafts, Food and Drink. Members may even be treated to one of Jon’s famous sausage sandwiches! (Subject to demand)
SARS have again been invited to return to the village of West Dean to participate in the open days event during English Heritage weekend.
Tucked away in a valley to the East of the Cookmere river the West Dean village can trace its occupation back thousands of years. Many of the buildings being of particular historical and architectural significance. The Old Coach House and Barns form the centre points for the Open Day activities where there are guided tours of the ancient Dove Cote and spacious grounds.
On the 10th and 11th of September various properties in West Dean are open to the public as part of national English Heritage Open Days weekend. There is FREE ENTRY between 10am to 4pm. Free Parking in the field opposite the Church. Postcode BN25 4AL
The Georgian Nags Barn will house displays of local crafts and produce with cream teas and cakes being available in the old stables.
During WWII West Dean was occupied by the Canadian Quebequois who operated communications from a radio hut near the left hand entrance of the Old Coach House. This will house a display of WWII radios from John Craig G3SGR who is a well know collector of vintage radio equipment. John Elgar, another renown collector will be exhibiting some fine examples of Clandestine radios and SOE sets from WWII. He will also have some excellent working examples of Enigma code machines on display as used by the Germans during WWII.
One of the Enigma machines on view last year during the open days.
SARS have obtained the special event callsign GB2WD (West Dean) for the duration of the open days and will be operating both WWII and more recent equipment on various amateur bands.
Barry G8DXU will have his ex-military Land Rover Defender 110 on display fitted with Clansman series radios including the High-Power VRC322 HF station. There will also be a display of radios typical of those used by the Canadian Army. Including a working Wireless Sets No19 MkIII (Canadian) together with remote control unit.
Various other sets will be on view, including rare, Navy Transmit Receive Unit 4S from 1939 and rare WWI Heterodyne Wavemeter plus a selection of later modern manpack sets.
Just a few examples of the WWII radio equipment to be displayed at West Dean.
GB2WD was active on 40m and 80m over the weekend. We made contacts over a wide area: :- Cypress. France, Guernsey, North America, Russia and Wales. the full list of stations will appear in the October AirTime..