Members of SARS participated in the 24hr event of the 144 MHz contest that ran over the weekend of 20-21st May between 1400-1400 UTC (1500-1500 local time)
We operated using the callsign G1KAR/P from our Beachy Head site in locator square JO00dr between 144.150-144-399MHz using Upper Side Band.
Radio conditions on the Saturday were fairly flat with little activity in the south east. Stations worked included GD8EXI on the Isle of Man at a distance of 506km. Sunday saw a considerable improvement in activity, perhaps somewhat due to the excellent weather, with stations from France the Channel Isles, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Overall we contacted 82 stations with 48 different postcodes and seven countries. This is a creditable score considering our location, relatively low power (50W) and small aerial system. We were competing against some formidable stations using much higher powers and multiple aerials. Accordingly our score will not be a winning one on this occasion. Competing in the 24 hour event was enjoyed by all of those at SARS and provides valuable operating experience for future occasions.
Tom M6ONX operating with Andy M6GND doing the computer logging during the 144MHz May contest.