Radio Amateurs, Boat owners, professional and other users of Radio Communications equipment running over 10W RF Power are to be affected by licence changes proposed to come into effect on the 18th of May.
Ofcom are proposing to implement the ICNIRP recommendations on the levels of Radio Frequency (Non-Ionizing) radiation. Strict limits may be introduced that restrict the levels of RF radiation from amateur and other installations.
Users (Licencees) will be required to ensure that their transmitters comply with the limits set for “Public exposure” to radio frequency emissions. These emissions being for frequencies above 10MHz. This could have a serious impact on the way radio amateurs deploy and use their apparatus. Also on many small boats where marine VHF transceivers are connected to a normal 1/2 Wave end fed aerial (3dBi) and on high power 25W separation needs to be over 2 metres. Mobile installations operated by radio amateurs in a public place will have to comply with the new limits.
It is however noted that the above refers to exposure of the “Public” to Electromagnetic Fields. The limits do not apply to the Licencee, Operator or Installer of the equipment.
Radio users are encouraged to inspect the draft implementation document Guidance on EMF Compliance and Enforcement ( and send their comments to Ofcom by the 18h of April.