The society has a quantity of radio and related items that are now surplus to requirements. All proceeds from these sales will go directly to SARS funds. The purpose of these sales are to provide additional capital which will be used to finance new materials and equipment for use at our Beachy Head Radio Site. This facility is currently being improved, in order to be more useful and attractive to all of our members. Those wishing to operate at a well equipped site for Contests, Training, Nets or just regular Amateur Radio communications will enjoy a great site with very low RF noise.
All listed items are surplus and or old equipment that has been tested only to the extent indicated. It is all offered for sale without further guarantee. Old electrical and electronic items may develop faults at any time due to component failure or gradually operating causes, some items may need to be repaired or serviced but are all priced accordingly. Mains powered items have PASSED PAT tests at the time of inspection. It is however, recommended that these are carefully examined by a qualified person before use.
LIST of Items for SALE Remaining Items for sale to members only.
YAESU FT-707 HF Transceiver 10W version. £98.00
Rx appears OK 0.36uV for 12dB SINAD on USB at 14.320 MHz, Tx 7.7W (single tone modulation). frequency +145 Hz at above frequency. USB Tx O/P 12.7 W at 3.700 MHz, 13.3W at 28.70 MHz AM, 1.43 W USB.
This is a great radio for any member who wants to get on HF. With 10W o/p it is especially suitable for foundation lincencees.
c/w non OEM Hand Mic and Power Lead. With photocopy of Instructions & Manual in document wallets.

TRIO TR-751E ALL Mode 2m Transceiver c/w Manual £ 40.00
FM Tx appears OK 25.1W @ 145.50 MHz Rx SQ Opens at >0.92uV emf and AF O/P OK, but no noise or change of threshold on adjusting Squelch Control. USB Tx appears OK but no SSB Audio O/P, probably due to Squelch problem. Supplied c/w Mic (Up/Down Keys) DC Power lead and Instruction Manual with circuits.

ICOM IC-3200E 2m + 70cm FM Transceiver SPARES or REPAIR Reduced to Clear £ 20.00
UHF Tx and Rx appears OK, VHF Rx Ok but RF power output very low c/w DC Power lead. NO Microphone.

MALDEN Electronics HS-320 Digital Counter LED SPARES or REPAIR Free to first taker.
REEL of RG58C/U 50 OHM Co-Axial Cable. RS Components 388-338 Approx 98 metres ? £25.00
Tinned Copper Stranded, On original reel AS NEW with clear polythene wrapping. (New price >£150)
YAESU FT-77 HF Transceiver Good Used Condition, c/w Manual SPARES/REPAIR Only £60.00
No rubber covering on tuning knob. Powers Up and receives with good sensitivity but frequency display is unstable varying by perhaps +/- 2kHz or so. Frequency also needs adjustment by about 4-20kHz depending upon band. Sensitivity is sometimes intermittent, perhaps Band Pass relay contacts) Tx not tested at this time due to no mic.

YAESU FF-501 Dx. (52 OHM) Low Low Filter Fair Condition. Untested. £6.00

ADONIS AM-503 Compressor Microphone Fair Used condition. 8 Pin Plug Untested £15.00
More items may be added, please check this listing regularly for. updates. SARS members will now receive 25% discount on all of the final sale prices.
Buyers are welcome to inspect goods before purchase for which any sale will be final.
Payment by CASH Only at time of collecting purchased items.
Prices too high? Make us a sensible offer!
For more information and to purchase items, please use the contact form. Members can message me by using the Forum thread. Barry G8DXU