
The week's events

  • Members CONTEST on 2m FM

    Members CONTEST on 2m FM

    Mon 29th Jun 2020

    Continuation of our members contest on 2m FM which hopefully will encourage those with either simple Handheld radios, Fixed, mobile or Portable stations to try contacting other members.

    This event will start at 1800 and end at 2000 local time.

    Contacts and exchanges should be made on the following channels only:- 

     145.375MHz (S15),   145.400 (S16),  145.425 (S17)

    Short calls may be made on 145.500 (S20) to inform other stations that you are listening on one of the above channels.  It is recommended that vertical aerials are used.

    Hopefully some members may go to elevated sights to improve the distance worked and increase the chance of working members who are distributed around the local area.  




  • Changes in rules for Social contact

    Category: General Changes in rules for Social contact

    Sat 4th Jul 2020

    Please see for more information.

    Principally, from today the law on meeting people outside ones own family has changed. It is now allowed to visit one other household indoors or outdoors. This includes those in ones chosen support bubble.

    Whilst many businesses, premises, facilities and  places of worship etc. will now be allowed to open it is still important that social distancing of 2m is maintained wherever possible. And especially with those outside ones immediate family. 

    The social distance of 2m can be reduced to 1m plus (The plus means where precautions are taken such as screens and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) mainly in the workplace.

    We are now allowed to meet up to six people from different households as long as social distancing is maintained.  The maximum number of people allowed to meet in one place would appear to be limited to 30. This would seem to exclude planned events such as the Festival of Transport from happening!

    Quite how Pubs and restaurants will operate under these conditions remains to be seen!

    There is now a good possibility of being able to plan some small events at BHRS etc as long as the social distancing measures are complied with.

    These notes are anecdotal only and should not be regarded as any form of advice or recommendations.  G8DXU







Meetings on the Air

Club members operate on an assortment of bands. We’d love to work you on the air, even if you’re not a member! See below for information on the frequencies we’ll be monitoring and when. Regular Club Nets Band Mode Frequency Time Notes 70cm FM Output: 430.825 MhzInput: 438.425 MHz (+7.6 MHz)Input tone: 88.5 Hz Every …

Monthly Meeting

We aim to be a friendly group of like-minded individuals who are interested in amateur radio and electronics. Our monthly meetings usually comprise of either a presentation by a speaker on a subject of interest, a bring & tell or sale of radio & electronic items.. Our meetings tend to begin with a short preamble …