
Events in October 2020

  • Trial SARS SSB Nets on 2m and 10m

    Trial SARS SSB Nets on 2m and 10m

    Sat 3rd Oct 2020

    Following suggestions that we again try to establish an occasional SSB net for members, it has been proposed that we  use 2 metres and 10 metres.

    This will be at 1400  local time (1300 Zulu)  TODAY 3rd of October, with G1KAR/P putting out the initial call on 144.325 MHz USB.  We can repeat this once a month or more frequently subject to sufficient interest.  G1KAR/P will acknowledge all calls and direct the net as appropriate.

    Suitably equipped stations can also try 28.320 MHz USB from 1500 local after the net on 2m.

    Please monitor GB3ZX from 1345 Saturday for any updates on the above schedule.


    Please see the Forum thread and leave any comments or suggestions that you may have.

  • 50MHz AFS Contest

    50MHz AFS Contest

    Sun 18th Oct 2020

    Affiliated Societies Contest 0900-1300

    G8DXU intends to run G1KAR/P on behalf of the society.  Members are very welcome to visit BHRS during the contest, however social distancing needs to be maintained as per current guidelines.

    Members with 6 metre SSB facilities are encouraged to participate in this event and make their own entries on behalf of SARS.  G1KAR/P looks forward to hearing activity from local stations and will be very pleased to exchange reports.  

    We will be running 400W pep into a five element beam at the Beachy Head site.



  • British Summer Time (Ends today)

    Category: General British Summer Time (Ends today)

    Sun 25th Oct 2020

    BST ends today with a return to UTC (GMT)

    Clocks are therefore put back by one hour,

Meetings on the Air

Club members operate on an assortment of bands. We’d love to work you on the air, even if you’re not a member! See below for information on the frequencies we’ll be monitoring and when. Regular Club Nets Band Mode Frequency Time Notes 70cm FM Output: 430.825 MhzInput: 438.425 MHz (+7.6 MHz)Input tone: 88.5 Hz Every …

Monthly Meeting

We aim to be a friendly group of like-minded individuals who are interested in amateur radio and electronics. Our monthly meetings usually comprise of either a presentation by a speaker on a subject of interest, a bring & tell or sale of radio & electronic items.. Our meetings tend to begin with a short preamble …