
Mon 28th Dec 2015

AFS Contest 50MHz / 6m etc

AFS Contest 50MHz / 6m etc

Mon 28th Dec 2015

Proposed from BHRS and operating on 6m

Time 1400-1600

Contact G8DXU if interested?

Meetings on the Air

Club members operate on an assortment of bands. We’d love to work you on the air, even if you’re not a member! See below for information on the frequencies we’ll be monitoring and when. Regular Club Nets Band Mode Frequency Time Notes 70cm FM Output: 430.825 MhzInput: 438.425 MHz (+7.6 MHz)Input tone: 88.5 Hz Every …

Monthly Meeting

We aim to be a friendly group of like-minded individuals who are interested in amateur radio and electronics. Our monthly meetings usually comprise of either a presentation by a speaker on a subject of interest, a bring & tell or sale of radio & electronic items.. Our meetings tend to begin with a short preamble …