Another fun day up at the radio site on the downs and the weather was glorious sunshine and my cooking improved somewhat. (See the Blog section for previous pictures and visits to the site.)
Dave G4XXM seen below setting up the logger32 software, mentioned on a previous post on our blog.
Ray G6JME and Andy M6GND demonstrating data mode through a clansman and laptop.
Dave G4XXM and Ray G6JME out by the Land Rover and some of the rigs in use throughout the day.
Dave G4XXM below operating the clansman and speaking to another amateur in Berlin.
As usual there was a lot of local activity on 51.60 MHz FM using mainly Clansman equipment including the VRC353 running into a Ground Mounted Monopole placed on top of the radio hut.
Dave G4XXM worked a number of European stations on 20 metres with the Clansman RT320 on Low power into a Clansman inverted V dipole.
Its amazing what can be found in the cupboard and here is an old Microwave Modules RTTY terminal receiving a weather data stream.
The monochrome monitor is displaying RTTY weather reports from the German weather service DDK9 on 10100.8 KHz at 50 baud. The receiver for this being an ICOM IC-M600 Marine Transceiver.
An old ICOM HF marine modified for the amateur bands. The ICOM IC-M600 Marine Transceiver being used for data mode.
As you can see below its a glorious day and what you can see on the roof in an antenna and not a revolving cloths line.
You can see the old data mode equipment on top of the old monitor.