Mid April update

The weather this week has been glorious sunshine and once again, camp x has been very active.

Here is Andy M6GND in data-mode using a Clansman and a laptop.


The EVHF on Racal 8m Mast that Andy is getting a dab hand at putting together in short time on the field. Having such a great site to experiment with antennas from, is a great advantage.

RACAL 8m 1a sm

RACAL 8m 1c smAndy’s data-mode results, working with the antenna setup above and a definite improvement of distance was achieved.

jt65 20140409 BHRS pskreporter 817 smThe Green Radio is just one our clubs interests and if you are into green radio and Land Rovers, why not join our club and join in with the fun.

Club membership is just £20.00 inclusive for a years membership with no extra costs, except 30p for a cup coffee, if you wish to attend our monthly rag chew (talk) with guest speaker presentations.

Please use the contact form for more information on club activities and venues.

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