On the activity side our club has really taken off with its Beachy Head site shack, that’s now in use several times a week and our yearly involvements with the ‘on the air’ events.
For a small club we have a LARGE activity side, that’s lots of fun, so if you enjoy playing radio and being in a friendly social atmosphere, come along and join us for an evening down at our new club venue.
Our Camp X Beachy Head site has had a lot of green radio use over the past few months, so if you are into Land Rovers, Clansman’s and meals ready to eat from our all day fry ups, come on down.
The Camp X Beachy Head site will be used for contests later on in the year and its a great HF site too. People bring up there own equipment and operate on our very unique site with shelter and food making facilities.
Its been a busy couple of months with rallies, windmills on the air, moving to our new club rooms and of course many trips up to Camp X our Beachy Head site.
The Luton Radio Rally, having been to Rainham, Dover, Kempton its been a very busy year radio rally wise.
Windmills on the Air day down at Polegate in which our club taken part in for many many years.
Some of the club members who attended this years windmills event.
Baxter brought his owner up to our Beachy Head Camp X site as he heard that sausage sandwiches were on the go. Note the vintage data mode equipment that was turfed out of Barry’s G8DXU’s loft that is still in working order .
Andy M6GND seen here with two antennas a clansman and a load of bull. The weather this year has been fantastic and Andy M6GND as well as many other club members have taken full advantage of Camp X facilities.