Its been yet another busy week with our clubs BBQ at Peter G6GVM‘s QTH and a trip up to our Beachy Heady site testing out one of a few beams, the rotator and SWR for some contesting later on in the year. The weather on both occasions was glorious sunshine and good times were had by all.
A big thank you goes out to Peter G6GVM and Iris G6ZNO for providing the venue, the food and doing the cooking.
Many club members choosing to stay close to where the food is being cooked and there was plenty of it too!
John G3DQY seen here just before he jumped over the table you see in front of him. Its an old air force party trick.
Its getting more relaxed after a few drinks….
Here we are up at our Beachy site connecting and testing out one of few beams to be used in contesting later on this year. Tony G3ZQB and Barry G8DXU seen here with the beam on the ground.
Here is the beam being hoisted by Barry Barry G8DXU and Tony G3ZQB note the safety helmets as things have been known to occasionally go thud.
Here is the beam fully vertical against the blue sky and the temperature on that day up on the hill was high. The secondary stage of the mast needs repairing, so its not as high as it will go, but never the less quite impressive.
Inside the shack and checking out the SWR and rotator alignment. All looking good as we used a compass app on the phone to find an approximate south.
Andy M6GND seen here testing out some noise limiting headphones for his clansman gear and I can see a use here for the contesting if adaptions can be made and voltage found for one of the pins. The really work well being a military standard of equipment.
Of course the land rover is a good place to operate from too and here is Barry G8DXU inside the land rover.
This weekend our radio club went down to the Seaford Museum to see their vintage radio collection room/display.
A big thank you goes out to Tony Lunn G0EYE and Brian Whitngton G7PMY for organizing the event and to all those club members that attended of which I am sure they enjoyed looking around this museums fine collection of vintage radios and other work/domestic items of yesteryear.
The Museum Tower is very deceptive, size wise. Looking small on the outside and much like Dr Who’s Tardis on the inside with very large museum area down a flight of stairs. Visit the website link above and take a look.
Tony G0EYE and Brian G7PMY seen operating and surrounded by vintage radio equipment.
It was rumored that Tony’s are taking over amateur radio, buts that’s just a rumour. When our club took part in the windmills on the air, there were four Tony’s in the room!
Here is Tony Seabrook G3ZQB operating, with vintage television seen in the background.
You can get an idea here of there fine vintage radio collect that’s well worth a visit.
Here is the outside of the Tower that will be going through some major changes later on during the year with a doorway being added and a lift for the disabled to the lower levels.
Here is the view from the top of the tower with a vintage canon under restore. The weather was glorious once again and with FREE parking, Seaford seafront is very popular.
There will be more to follow in a blog over the next few weeks, with the results of our two week ends contacts and a copy of the museums certificate.