SARS newly registered assessor Barry G8DXU held a Foundation Licence practical training session at Beachy Head Radio Site on Saturday 20th September.
New member Tom Pitcher attended the one to one instruction session, which started with Tom helping to erect the 2 metre beam and HF Dipole.
The photograph shows Tom (on right) and Dave G4XXM in a relaxed moment near the end of the session. This demonstration shows tuning a VHF dipole to the correct length for minimum VSWR.
For 145.375 MHz the calculated dipole length of 980mm produced an almost perfect match.
The dipole aerial kit from an old Receiver Radio 31A (Eddystone) with telescopic elements proved ideal for this task. These receivers were once used by the Post Office for VHF and UHF field strength measurements and also to locate the intensity and direction of interfering signals.
We managed to complete all of the practical tasks and sign off Tom’s assessment in readiness for the examination in November. Tom completed the Morse sending and receiving with ease, even spotting a mistake in the assessors sending of a Zero rather than letter “O”
With thanks to Dave G4XXM for his assistance with the required VHF and HF SSB contacts.