Wednesday afternoon saw the regular gathering at the Café Continental for food and refreshments, before heading to Beachy Head.
Barry G8DXU and Mike M6PDI were joined by Dave G4XXM and Tom. Suitably fed and watered we proceeded to BHRS where Mike opened the gates and shack, whilst Barry waited for Tom to arrive at the top gate.
The 2 metre beam was fitted to the Tennamast together with the Clansman Dipole for 40 metres. We were shortly Joined by Agnes and Graham, followed by Andy.
Following some previous interest in modulation methods Barry G8DXU had brought along a standard signal generator and 100MHz storage Oscilloscope. These were suitably connected to demonstrate Amplitude and Frequency modulation methods.

HP RF Signal Generator with 18GHz Frequency Counter & Tektronix 7623B Storage Oscilloscope
We also fired up the old Microwave Modules RTTY transceiver and ICOM IC-M700 to display the German weather service signals. This prompted Andy to initialize the software that he had previously installed on the clubs PC. After connection to the FT897, PSK31, JT65 Data modes and RTTY signals were readily resolved. Andy explained the virtues and deficiencies of the different modes with great clarity and alacrity to an enthusiastic audience.
Andy, Graham and Tom (with face obscured by the bright sunlight!)
Typical SSTV picture
Slow Scan TV transmissions created the most interest with a number of colorful images of good resolution being downloaded from 20 metres. I think that various members of SARS will be making much more use of this mode in the very near future.
In the first photograph, observant readers will have probably noted the Carlsberg Marine Clock and Anemometer generously donated by our Chairman Steve M3EVM
If Carlsberg made radio clubs they would have probably made one like SARS!