Winter draws on and our clubs end of year meeting turned out to be a bumper turn out, being full of Christmas cheer and a good time was had by all.
A BIG THANK YOU goes out to those that took the time to prepare food and those like myself that brought food along already prepared.
Again food and alcohol was in abundance, although I stuck to the savoury side and a small glass of wine and coffee as I was driving.
It certainly makes it much easier for transport, now that our club room is situated very close to the town centre; being close to buses and trains. This year more members were able to enjoy a Christmas bevy.
On going through our clubs archives, I have found a pile of old Devonshire Awards. These were presented to club members that managed to make radio contact with six other southdown members, over the Christmas period. These are old certificates and a small piece of our clubs history, so why not give it a go. Register your results through our websites contact form.
I wish all a very happy Christmas and happy New Year.
Well done to both Richard and Tom, seen in the pictures below for passing their Foundation License first time. There will be two new call signs in the call book very shortly.