Our first meeting of the year went very well, with great attendance. It was good again to see new faces.
Barry Chuter’s G8CVV talk on lightening and the electrics within our atmosphere, was most interesting and very thought provoking.
A big thank you goes out to Barry G8CVV for giving this talk at short notice after our speaker for the night cancelled, having gone down with the flu bug that is currently doing the rounds.
Our hobby out of control talk will be re-booked
We will be continuing with our regular trips up to the Beachy Head radio site and those members that are interested and have not yet attended, please contact me via the website Contact Form or Barry G8DXU via the details in air time.
It was good to hear that those members having problems logging on to the members section are now able to access the site, without any problems.
If you are still having problems logging on, or problems reoccur, please use the Contact Form.
Our new pictured and themed membership cards, match the theme of the clubs website. The version handed out on Monday 5th, was MK1 and there will be a laminated MK2 version available by our AGM in March.
If you spot any errors on your new membership card, please can you contact me with any corrections, via the web Contact Form.
Our yearly calendar will be updated over the coming two weeks with our meeting times and some of our yearly events. We have made trips out to Bletchley Park and the Chalk Pits museum in previous years and those interested in visiting these places again or other interesting venues, please contact me or discuss on our clubs forum. More to be posted soon, so stay tuned.