Please remember to bring your rejoining fee of £20, so that you can have your say at next months AGM.
We have had a good uptake on this years membership, moving our club from strength to strength. Our club is moving closer to its 50th anniversary and the plans for the 50th year are already being worked on.
On the activity side we have been as busy as ever and our Beachy site has average six to eight visitors throughout some of the coldest days of the year.
There is lots planned for the year ahead and you can have your say on the clubs forum.
Do not forget to check your Airtime Magazine for the auction items and details. The privacy selection was lost on the Airtime reader and I am working on an alternative. The clubs magazine is still available in the members sections under Airtime.
Below: Andy M6GND and Tony G3ZQB
Below: Andy M6GND, Barry G8DXU, Richard M6EYO and Tony G3ZQB working a pile up on the radio.
Below: Andy M6GND sitting by his data mode setup and Tony G3ZQB swinging the beam around to work our regular contact in the south wales Cardiff area.
Below: Last Wednesday up at the site with the door tightly shut as it was blowing gale outside. The temperature inside was 24 degrees. Mike M6PDI and John G4JHD are in the picture below.
Below: Not many outside pictures this month as its cold outside!
However our contacts have been both local and far afield on many modes and bands, as the Beachy site is noise free and this makes a LOT of difference on the DX contacts.
If you are interested in finding out more why not come along to our club meeting this Monday 2nd February and find out more.
Our club now has four qualified trainers and we cater for ALL stages of the radio exam.
The Foundation License is the easiest exam, being passed with ease by many all over the country. This exam gives a WIDE range of legal radio usage and is an excellent introduction to the radio and electronics hobby.
If you have any questions please use our websites contact form.