Some of the pictures below were taken just before our clubs AGM, so they are a little out of sequence with the date, as our AGM was foremost on my mind.
The latter part of February and the early part of March has kept up the usual pace of activity with our clubs field events and our Beachy Head site has been very active with field operations, spanning across East Sussex.
Again here is a good selection of snap shots taken on site and around the Sussex countryside.
If you are an active radio operator or operate from home, why not consider joining in with the fun.
Our club membership for the coming year is still down at a very reasonable rate £20 and concessions are offered to those who take the exam courses with our club. See our Joining and Membership page.
Andy M6GND seen below climbing out of the inspection hatch.
Andy M6GND seen here just about to do a wind up.
It turned out to be an insurance salesman. We need to get a caller display for the clansman.
An inside view of G8DXU’s Land Rover military radio set up, that is all functional and working.
Land Rovers in the sunset! Sounds like the name of an old 78 record that my parents used to play.
Dr Jon and Andy M6GND enjoying a curry cooked on site by Barry G8DXU. We listened to Indian music over the shortwave radio, to set the atmosphere.
Dr Jon before the camouflager netting and you can still see him very close down to the ground by the stub of an old windmill.
Dr Jon after the camouflager netting and now he blends stealthily into the environment. You can just see the antenna if you look closely.
Richard M6EYO and baxter by the Land Rover. Out and about around Sussex with Dr Jon testing out the radio equipment. Richard could see our Beachy site through the field glasses.
More from the base of an old windmill.
Finally back to the excellent curry that Barry G8DXU prepared on site that was totally up market from last years meals ready to eat mega mince meal, as seen in our blog.