I had to upload these few pictures, and yes, its our radio shack on the hill cunningly disguised as an Indian restaurant with authentic Indian music coming over the shortwave (Clansman RT320) and even the pickle tray!
Now that’s getting curried away!
Even Baxter the dog joined in as you will see below.
If you are interested in radio, electronics or fine cuisine, why not join in with the fun. Nut allergies of course, will need to be disclosed on your membership form.
Prepared by Barry G8DXU….
Baxter enjoyed the food.
And finally a couple of radio related pictures….
If you look closely Andy M6GND is hiding behind the tree on the far right of the picture. You can just see his legs under the branch of the tree.
A Clansman RT320 out in the field, with Binoculars at the ready. FT817 backup visible at right of picture.