Easter is over and we are coming up to our next club meeting this Monday 13th April 2015 with our very own Mr Tesla show and a demonstration of GENERATING HIGH VOLTAGE by Barry Chuter G8CVV.
So prepare to shocked if you are in the front seats and the sparks will fly in the best possible ways.
Last Saturdays trip up to our Beachy site again was very productive with lots of contacts. And club members going out and about testing the Clansman RB equipment under field conditions. We operated some excellent VHF links and will be adding HF AM / SSB on future occasions.
There are a few pictures below for the Land Rover enthusiasts with Defender 110 FFRs from Henry 2E0IAK (UN, 200TDi) & Barry’s G8DXU (Tithonus, 2.5 NA).
If you are active on the radio and you enjoy a few field trips out to the countryside or you prefer to stay at home and come along to our friendly monthly club meetings, why not join in, for a summer of fun playing with radios and electronics.
We are coming up to our 50th anniversary in two years time and the preparations are under way for bumper packed radio year with all sorts going on.
As usual we will be running our entry for the National Mills Weekend down at the Polegate Windmill, so why not pay us a visit?
See the National Mills Weekend website and our calendar for more details.