Here is another short update and a report of our participation in last Saturday’s 6m contest up at our Beachy site, where again a good time was had by all.
The weather being June was warm and sunny and Henry 2E0IAK brought along an impressive 6m beam that was assembled, SWR checked and raised on our more than Tennamast, prior to the start of the contest.
This time was just a serious contest practice, in order to discover members interest and the attendance was very good, with little room to park my car on my arrival at the site compound.
Barry G8DXU and Henry 2E0IAK did most of the operating, although I did have a go for a short while and I did some logging using the Minos Contest Logger.
Many call 6m the magic band and I can see why after our success over the weekend with one contact TF3ML/P Iceland 1196.8 Miles, UY1HY @ 1431.7 & UX1UA @ 1309.8 Miles, finally made by Barry G8DXU after much perseverance by both Henry and Barry as this station had a pile up with many many callers. We will of course be submitting an entry and putting SARS on the contest map.
Having cooking facilities and a noise free environment, plus easy access, even for someone with very limited mobility like myself; makes this a fun day out; being a location that is suitable for all types of radio use, as well as the occasional, like this 6m one.
If you are interested in joining in with the fun and joining a very social and relaxed radio club, that has many members, with a wide diversity of radio interests, go to our Contacts Page and inquire.
Here are a few more pictures from the last post and amazingly there were no military vehicles on site last Saturday, however here are some previous recent visits to the sites and some pictures showing the great interests in Land Rovers and vintage vehicles by some of our members.
Seen Below: Another picture from our last club meeting down at our new town venue. On the table was many items printed out using the 3D printer seen in pictures below.
Seen below: A 3D printer that looks a lot like a PC tower.
Seen below: Dr Jon M0JAO in the garden operating his Station Radio C12. This is a very impressive radio and the Dynamotor sounds like there is a Hamster inside when firing up.
Seen below: Again Dr Jon M0JAO through the round window.
Seen below: Our shack in contest mode during the last 2m contest with Andy M6GND logging on Minos and Bary G8DXU operating with an adapted military head set that works very well.
Seen below: Dr Jon M0JAO and Baxter in a 1948 Land Rover.