Its a late update this month, due to being busy on other projects, however June, so far, has been a very busy month for our radio club with lots going on.
Our monthly meeting went very well, with a very good attendance once again and a display/explanation of a 3D printer by our local Maplins Store.
Having seen one of these devices on line, it was a great opportunity to see one up close and ask questions. The model demonstrated was aimed at the hobby end of the market, so it was very reasonably priced.
More information can be found at your local Maplin Store, so if you are interested in finding out more, pay them a visit.
(see pictures below)
Our outdoor activities are flourishing due to the good weather. As usual our beachy shack has been well attended with much activity going on. As you can see in the pictures below we have had a go at contesting again and are sorting out a home brew beam, as well as using a wide range of radio equipment.
Our club is an active club and attends many local events. Last weekend we had a display down at the vintage car rally in Langley. You can not miss us with our orange tent and an array of antennas. Barry G8DXU set up his Clansman display next to our tent, so all in all, quite an impressive radio display.
If you are interested in joining a very social radio club, that has a wide range of interests/practices from radio to electronics, use our websites Contact Form to inquire.
The radio exams today are easier than ever, with the Foundation level being passed by many at a primary school level; so the opportunity to use the transmitting equipment is open to all. Our club currently has three active trainers who are giving lessons/guidance from Foundation level to Advanced. Use the websites Contact Form to inquire.
Seen below: Another sunny day up at our beachy site with Barry G8DXU and Andy M6GND setting up the antennas.
Seen below: Another one of the vintage Land Rover collection.
Seen below: Maplin staff and our 3D printer demonstration. Low level software/cad can be found on line for free making this a viable a new hobby to experiment with at entry level.
More pictures to be posted VERY SOON!