Monday evening was a hat trick for our radio club, after a weekend of camping and contesting up at our radio shack on the hill. Perhaps not as warm as the weekends weather, although staying mostly dry our BBQ evening had great attendance from club members and their family.
I would like to pass on the many thanks from our chairman Tony G3ZQB, who was our chef for the evening, along with John G4JHD’s wife Sylviane who was serving the food, to all those members that contributed towards the setting up of tents/equipment and the supplying of a great banquet of food and to all our members that attended who are seen in the pictures below. It was great to see some new faces and those we have not seen in a while.
Seen below. A cheery picture our members, good company and great food. What more could you ask for on a warm August evening. Note our chairman Tony G3ZQB is dressed for the occasion in his chefs apron.
Seen below. The same again with a very dodgy person in a green T shirt that was looming in the background.
Seen below. A peak into the food tent, although it was too crowded to see the food inside. It not called ham eater radio by chance, food and radio go very well together.
Seen below. Our chef Tony G3ZQB warming up for an evening of cooking the radio ham.
There will be more pictures to follow of radio, food and good times up on the hill.