Another update and reminder to all club members that it’s our clubs annual BBQ tomorrow evening and the full details can be found on our websites forum. If you have not received the details and wish to find out more use the website Contact Form or phone a member of the clubs committee.
Summer is here and our club has taken part in both the 144MHz Low Power Contest VHF Championship and 432MHz Low Power Contest VHF Championship up at our amazing radio site on the South Downs.
This time many of our operators chose to camp up on site and enjoy the glorious summer weather as well as a break far from the madding crowd.
As you will see below this was contesting in style and a great time was had by all. There are plenty of pictures below and more will follow along with our results shortly. If you have worked our club, why not leave a message using the Contact Form?
Some of our members are into the green radio (Clansman) and other clubs wishing to make schedules working with this equipment are most welcome to contact us and arrange a schedule.
Our club members bring their own radio equipment up to our hill site below, so the radio equipment varies from week to week.
Operating from a rural location offers a noise free environment with great reception and an opportunity to experiment with all kinds of antennas and modes.
If you are interested in joining a friendly, relaxed and active group of radio and electronics enthusiasts, spanning many generations, please use our clubs Contact Form to inquire for more information.
Seen below. Andy G6GND and Barry G8DXU logging and operating during the weekends contest.
Seen below. Andy G6GND logging the many contacts on a PC.
Seen below. Barry G8DXU, Andy G6GND and Dr Jon M0JAO and some of the camping gear. Oh not forgetting Baxter the dog whose call sign is a whistle.
Seen below. Is a very happy Tom M6ONX and it could be the long distant contact or the beer, or perhaps a combination of the two?
It certainly was not one of my Tony Blackburn type jokes, as I was not there at the time.
As seen below From Dusk till Dawn and not a Vampire in sight!
As seen below. Radio Test Set & Spectrum Analyser in the dark with squeal of Land Rovers in the mist as seen in a previous post.
Seen below. Its breakfast time on a Sunday morning in August and Andy M6GND is on a strict diet in doors, so he is making it up big time, whilst he is up on the hill. Dr Jon M0JAO as you can see is going ‘one step beyond’ with the cooking. Barry G8DXU is taking a picture as evidence of Andy’s huge appetite. Food and radio go well together.
Seen below. Andy M6GND trying to sneak off with more, but we caught him on the way to making mega doorstop bacon sandwich.
More to follow shortly on this weekends fun and picture of tomorrows BBQ.