Members from SARS will be exhibiting some classic Series One Land Rovers and Military vehicles at the FOT.
We will also be operating the special event radio Callsign GB3FOT from the Military vehicle display.
Come along to the show and see the early Land Rover series one that won the Best Series 1 at the London to Brighton LR run last year. There will be the usual captivating display of Steam Engines together with many trade stands plus food and beverage outlets. The beer tent usually has a plentiful supply of Ales from the outstanding Harvey’s brewery in Lewes.
Our exhibit in the military section will display a collection of British Army Clansman series radios as used in the Falklands conflict, Iraq & Afghanistan. All radios are in full working condition and will be demonstrated to anyone interested.
We will be operating on the 20m,40m and 80m Amateur bands using SSB and AM together with VHF channels on 4m and 6m FM.
Part or SARS exhibit in 2015