The National Mills Weekend 2013 at the Polegate Windmill and the Windmill Hill Windmill.
Here is Simon G4BJP operating at the Polegate Windmill on National Mills Weekend 2013
John G3DQY operating and Simon G4BJP logging
Simon and John seen here again with the ladder cable from the G5RV. Poking the cable through the small hole in the Mill proved to be a problem this year.
The G5RV spanning from the top of the Polegate Windmill down to the large chestnut tree far off down the left hand side of the windmill road.
Tony G0EYE and Tony G3ZQB and myself at the Windmill Hill windmill. Try saying that a few times and using our club call sign of G3WQK over the mike and a fun time is had by all!
1 comment
Great web site. Many Thanks from Peter G4BLS 73 to all.