Four words that describe this months radio activity and they are
Its been a great month activity wise for our club with some sunny days up at the Beachy Shack; with many new visitors and days out at the rallies and shows.
Here are a few of the photos taken over a month that has seen some of the warmest weather conditions for many years.
The photo Above is not is chronological order, as taken on the 23th, but it speaks volumes and you should had seen the reaction when the Fonz turned up! Old joke, but some oldies might catch on. :O)
Above you see the more often spotted Andy M6GND drinking coffee in the shade, as the temperatures rise up into the 80′s.
Above Barry G8DXU and Andy M6GND and a short range communication experiment. Note: Andy has no radio, but Barry was still perfectly audible. I was listening too in duplex.
Above our more than a Tennamast with a couple of guys helping us out as there was slight breeze.
Above Tony G3ZQB and Mike M6PDI who has just passed his foundation exam and is also a member of the 4X4 Raynet support group.
Barry G8DXU seen bellow in the next few pictures, preparing for the War and Peace show with his mods to his Land Rover….
Delmonte do only the best pineapples….
Above the guying kit for the RACAL Mast and needless to say this version is not the pneumatic version. :O) It works a wonder, with a pineapple on the end.
Below again some pictures of the war and peace show….
G8DXU – The Marconi 2955B test set. There was a lot of interest in my offer to test Clansman radios purchased from dealers on site and also brought to the show.
Last but not least, out of Simon’s picture collection, the fast cooking with Semtex, experiment, that went horribly wrong….
I would recommend using Calor gas or wearing a parachute if you are the chef. :O)
More picture from Barry G8DXU’s collection below….
Above, yet more added to the Land Rover above. G8DXU FFR and radio fitting showing VRC353 VHF,VRC321 HF, VRC 322 High Power 250W Amplifier and TUNER RF 250 Watt. VOG is run by Captain (Retired) Mike Buckley M1CCF who provides most for his extensive collection of Army radios.
Above and below – Austin Champ and Larkspur radios
This was like looking at something out of an impending apocalypse and was very impressive. Some living history displays were blown down, fortunately my 9*9 tent weathered the storm very well and we had already lowered all of the aerials.
WW1 front line re-enactment complete with real mud.
Above- Johnsons of Leads, Lots of plugs, connectors, Camo netting & a few Clansman Radios. Below Avis Army Supplies with many inexpensive camping and clothing items. There were large cardboard boxes with clothing for £1.00 per item!:
The price reduced to free at end of show, with some people going away with as much clothing as they could carry, still the dealer did not want to take it back!!