Our weekly trip down to the Cafe Continental was well attended for the start of the new year and we extended out three tables.
The food again was of the usual high standard.
We then went up to our X Nato site and the weather on the hill was very mild for this time of the year. Our shack has its own heating and plenty of space to set up the radio equipment.
With ten members in attendance our site was soon buzzing with radio activity using many different modes of communication. It was good to see new faces again joining in with the fun.
Seen below: Tom M6ONX, Tony G3ZQB, A SWL, Richard M6EYO and John G4JHD speaking to a Welsh radio operator on 2m SSB.
Our Saturday meeting started off early in time to join the VMARS net on 3.615mhz AM, working with some x military radios. Most stations gave us a 5&9 working a Clansman RT320 running 12 watts into an inverted V dipole from our excellent location that has great elevation and zero noise.
See below: Richard M6EYO on the Clansman RT320 working M3XBZ in Reading on 3.615mhz AM with a 5&9 signal both ways.
Also worked on 60 Meters AM 5.317 MHz, was G3YJ0 using his Wireless Set No.19, our best contact of the day over the short range skip, was GM8AGM 25 miles north of Aberdeen, again being a 5&9 at the peaks of the QSB. All in a very good start for the first radio active week of the new year, with plenty of interesting contacts being made.
If you are interested in electronics and/or the radio communications side, why not join up and come along. Hamjoint is starting to take off, so check out there new website, for bargains, using the link on the side panel of this page.
Seen below: Tony G3ZQB talking with with one of regular linkups on 2m sideband.
Seen below: One of our other regular visitors up on the hill, looking rather sheepish and out for a barrr gain.