Our clubs AGM on the 02/02/2015 went very well and the evening was more social than it was formal. The formalities of the meeting were swiftly over and during the rest of the evening we had a general chat about the running of our club.
We have many new members on our committee.
Geoff Ellis G3LFZ remains as our clubs president.
Tony G3ZQB is our new chairman
Richard M6EYO is our new treasurer.
Andy M6GND is our new secretary.
Jane 2E1PJJ has rejoined for another year and Mike M6PDI and Tom M6ONX are newcomers to our very proactive management team.
Barry G8DXU has rejoined as our Air Time editor and shacks manager for the Beachy Head site. A big thanks goes out to Barry G8DXU for his revitalization of our Beachy Head radio site, making it a social and fun place to experiment with all types radio equipment. Last years on site fry ups, certainly put the ham back into ham eater radio.
Peter G6GVM and Iris G6ZNO have stood down after many years of service on clubs our committee and our club wishes to thank them for their many years of service.
Not forgetting John G3DQY for his help with teas and coffee’s at our monthly meetings and the opening up Monthly of our Hailsham shack.
I have taken a back ground role on the committee as the vice chairman and will be there to assist when needed.
More will be added over the next few days, with some pictures from our recent trips up on the hill and our radio field trips, out and about around Sussex.