Summer is well on the way and this month the sparks were flying down at our club’s meeting rooms as you will see in the most shocking pictures below this article.
Our outdoor activities are starting to take off, as those less hardy radio enthusiasts are coming out of their winter hibernation and daring to go mobile and portable once again!
However this years winter period as had very good support by our more hardy members, who have kept up the great attendance at our beachy head site and have facilitated its regular opening; at least twice a week, even through the coldest times.
John G3DQY has kept our Hailsham shack going, throughout the winter period despite the building work and a flood just before the Christmas break, a big THANK YOU goes out to ALL the above that have kept our shack going.
I feel that the food and friendly relaxed nature of those attending, our small shacks, as seen in our many pictures below, has made this all possible and has motivated those attending to keep returning for more good food and more good company.
Our mid week meeting down at the Cafe Continental is expanding out onto several tables with the Liver and Bacon taking the lead over Chilli Con Carne and the Traditional Breakfast within the ham eater side of our club.
Andy M6GND has been going down to the Downlands family butchers at East Dean to buy their truly amazing burgers and sausages! That’s enough about food for now as its lunch time.
Spring brings with it many baby lambs happily playing around, in the sun (as seen below) and the first of our on the air year events. Mills on the air.
Our club’s entry will be taking place on the 9th & 10th May 2015 down at the Polegate Windmill and all club members are invited to attend on the Saturday and guests are invited to attend on Sunday. If you are interested in attending as a guest, please use our websites Contact Form.
I will be adding an archive section to our website over the next fortnight to contain the many pictures and articles of 2014, I will also be cleaning up of the blog post section of the site, reserving it for blog post only. There will also be an extended Clansman Radio section for the green enthusiast with articles from Barry G8DXU.
Our next months club meeting will be A VERY RARE opportunity to meet and listen to a talk by a former member of the Bletchley Park team. As you can imagine as time marches on, fewer and fewer of the original Bletchley team are around, so this meeting is well worth putting in your diary.
Our club consists of a friendly and social group of radio enthusiasts, who have a diverse range of interests across the radio and electronics field.
If you wish to join in with our indoor and outdoor activities and in with our radio sceds, please contact us via our websites Contact Form for more details.
Bary Chuter G8CVV is seen below just before giving his talk on high voltage.
Seen below – Bary Chuter G8CVV explaining to Richard M6EYO how the high voltage builds up in the coils.
Seen below -The variable, the capacitor and the lower coil.
Seen below – As you see the sparks did fly and the lighting dipped as Bary Chuter G8CVV shorts out the pie dish with Tesla level voltage.
Seen below – Andy M6GND and Bary G8DXU seen here mobile
Seen below – No longer feeling sheepish they ganged up by the six baa gate in an attempt to block our exit.