Time marches on and the month of May is living up to its name and it may be hot, it may be cold and it may be raining and may be sunny!
Things are hotting up as the weather warms up and this months club meeting was very well attended with a fascinating glimpse back into bygone days at Bletchley Park, by Betty Houghton who was there during the war years and played a lead role in the team.
See pictures below….
Our weekly meet at the Cafe Continental is going strong and the food has been up to the excellent standards. The liver and bacon is well worth trying, being a large plateful and very well cooked.
Still enough about food and back onto radio…. Our Beachy site has been VERY well attended with the cabin packed out throughout the later part of this month. See pictures below….
If you are interested in joining in with the fun and being part of a club that is equally as social, as it is focused upon all aspects of radio and electronics. Use our websites contact form to find out more.
Our next months club meeting will be on 3D printers, with a presentation and demonstration given by our local Maplins Store.
Seen below: The Bletchley Park presentation by Betty Houghton who is now in her 90s!
Seen below: We have spacious club rooms, with an additional room and canteen next door, that has armchair seating and more dinning tables.
Below: After the presentation and a chance to rag chew.
Below: A chance to speak with Betty Houghton after her presentation about old times.
Seen below: A table full of memories from Bletchley Park back in the second world war years.
Seen below: More rag chew and a chance to talk technical.
Seen below. Our Beachy site and a packed out cabin with both radio and food on the go!
Seen below. More from the Beachy site.
Seen below. Tom M6ONX and Andy M6GND discussing our new WiFi link that will be included in a separate write up on our blog section very shortly, along with some open source software, for those wishing to experiment.
There are more pictures on the Archive Pages and articles on our Blog section (see site menu) Our club members have access to a private forum and back copies of our monthly magazine.