Here is another short update and news report on our clubs activities and forthcoming events.
This month clubs meeting was a bring and tell, that went remarkable well. Our club rooms have lots of tables, so they are ideal for such an event and members can lay out what they have brought along before the meeting starts.
As you will see in the pictures below there was a wide range items brought along, although weight and size, limit such an event. We plan to have more of these types meetings and maybe one as a challenge on best build, as we did many years ago.
Leave your ideas for club events/meetings on our websites forum.
Any club member that still has problems logging on to our website or operating or forum, please use the websites Contact Form and feedback your anxieties to our admin.
Talking of Admins we now have Tom Pitcher M6ONX on board helping with our ever changing website with hopefully some great content, coming up to our clubs 50th anniversary in a couple of years time. Tom is a wizard programmer and the creator of Hamjoint as advertised in our side panel.
The long term plan for our website is to have a large archive of our clubs magazine spanning since its conception for members to download and some old pictures and video of bygone years.
If you have any old pictures or film footage please use the websites Contact Form and we will scan/copy/convert your contributions.
Andy M6GND has been taking some video footage and edited video of our clubs field activities will shortly be available to view.
Next months club meeting is a BBQ and this will probably be held up at our hill site, with all club members and their family invited. The famous East Deane butchers or Tesco’s finest will be on the menu and a small contribution from those who attend would be greatly appreciated.
Tony G3ZQB brought along a model GPS Satellite and a couple of time related items being a time lord. He also brought an original Baygen that are now quite rare.
Jane 2E1PJJ brought along the latest Baofeng GT-3 TP Mark III 136-174/400-520MHz Tri-Power 1/4/8W Two-Way Radio and this rig does everything apart from making a good cup of tea.
Peter G4BLS had gone to pound land and brought what looked a lot like one of those 80’s Sinclair radios and Simon G4BJP brought along his spy radio book collection.
Table two below with Peter G4BLS, Simon G4BJP and Ray G3AGF
Roberts Radios were the main feature on this table and these old radios were lovingly restored to the point of using a toothbrush to buff up the leather.
Richard M6EYO brought along his radio restore project, some very old Ships Radio Tuning coils and two strange lights dated from the 1940’s. If you have any clues on the lights, use our websites Contact Form to advise.
This was a great contribution with a hat stand being used as a base for inductive loop antenna (our club used have two of these) and this great gizmo was attached to a home built SDR radio (software defined radio)Both made by Simon G0MGA
John G3DQY with his Slim Jim that has restarted a trend with a number of club members constructing and experimenting with this VERY popular 70’s antenna. Who remembers that Halo listening antenna from around the same time?
Anthony G4UPY’s collection of Carpenter and other relays were the feature on this table with GPO 3000 Type down to the minute reed.
A small part below of Barry G4DXU’s mega collection of radio and electronic test equipment and its great to see the workmanship of these old pieces in their wooden boxes with Dove tail joints.
Cametric Precision Wheatstone Bridge & GenRad Automatic LCR bridge with a 0.1% basic accuracy.
Well that’s all for now and more to follow again shortly!